Tag: SO

  • Sophis

    Concept of Sophis in the context of derivatives contract, by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA): A vendor solution offering a cross product, end to end derivative (i.e. an instrument that transfers risk from one party to the other) platform. There are two platforms, […]

  • Sovereign

    Concept of Sovereign in the context of derivatives contract, by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA): A borrower that is a national government or a government agency. Sovereigns account for a large proportion of all emerging market reference entities, but are generally […]

  • Soft Commodities

    Concept of Soft Commodities in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following is a definition of Soft Commodities: Certain agricultural commodities such as sugar, cocoa, and coffee.

  • Soft

    Concept of Soft in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following are some alternative definitions of Soft: (a) A description of a price that is gradually weakening; or (b) this term also refers to certain ‘soft’ commodities such as sugar, cocoa, and coffee.