Category: A

  • Accounts Receivable

    Definition of Accounts ReceivableThis is the meaning of Accounts Receivable published by Marco Terry: Money that is owed to you by your customers, usually by issuing an invoice that is due to be paid within a certain period of time. A/R appears in the balance sheet as an asset since it’s […]

  • Ask Price

    Offer/ask PriceConcept of Offer/ask Price in the context of derivatives contract, by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA): The price at which a trader or market maker is willing to sell a contract.ResourcesSee AlsoDerivatives Contract

  • Agricultural Trade Option

    Concept of Agricultural Trade Option in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following is a definition of Agricultural Trade Option: Off-exchange options on agricultural commodities that are transacted directly between commercial market participants for hedging or risk […]

  • Assignable Contract

    Concept of Assignable Contract in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following is a definition of Assignable Contract: A contract that allows the holder to convey his rights to a third party. Exchange-traded contracts are not assignable.

  • Accommodation Trading

    Concept of Accommodation Trading in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following is a definition of Accommodation Trading: Non-competitive trading entered into by a trader, usually to assist another with illegal trades, such as a sale at a below market price intended to create […]

  • Advance Rate

    Definition of Advance rateThis is the meaning of Advance rate published by Marco Terry: he percentage of the invoice that will be advanced. On average, most factors advance between 70% and 85% of the gross value of the invoice.

  • Asset Based Loan

    Definition of Asset Based Loan (ABL)This is the meaning of Asset Based Loan (ABL) published by Marco Terry: It is a short term loan that is secured by the company’s assets such as inventory, real estate, equipment or accounts receivable. Most are paid back when the asset that secures the loan […]

  • Accumulator

    Concept of Accumulator in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following is a definition of Accumulator: A contract in which the seller agrees to deliver a specified quantity of a commodity or other asset to the buyer at a pre-determined price on a series of specified […]

  • Automatic Exercise

    Concept of Automatic Exercise in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following is a definition of Automatic Exercise: A provision in an option contract specifying that it will be exercised automatically on the expiration date if it is in-the-money by a specified amount, absent […]

  • Accounts Receivable Factoring

    Definition of Accounts Receivable FactoringThis is the meaning of Accounts Receivable Factoring published by Marco Terry: Another term for factoring. See factoring.

  • Accrued Interest

    Concept of Accrued Interest in the context of derivatives contract, by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA): The interest which is accumulated on a security, either from the date of issue or the previous coupon payment, to the present. The accrued interest will be paid at […]

  • Affirmation

    Concept of Affirmation in the context of derivatives contract, by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA): The process by which two counterparties verify that they agree the primary economics of a trade. The affirmation process may be done by telephone, voice recording, email […]

  • Approved Delivery Facility

    Concept of Approved Delivery Facility in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following is a definition of Approved Delivery Facility: Any bank, stockyard, mill, storehouse, plant, elevator, or other depository that is authorized by an exchange for the delivery of commodities […]

  • Agricultural Trade Option Merchant

    Concept of Agricultural Trade Option Merchant in Futures TradingIn this context of financial law, the following is a definition of Agricultural Trade Option Merchant: Any person that is in the business of soliciting or entering option transactions involving an enumerated agricultural commodity […]

  • Average Rate Option

    Concept of Average Rate Option in the context of derivatives contract, by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA): An option (i.e. the right to buy or sell a financial instrument at some agreed conditions) where the settlement is based on the difference between the strike and […]